Practicum Overview Preceptors

The primary objective of the Practicum project is to afford students opportunity to synthesize and apply their acquired public health knowledge and proficiencies within a real-world context. This endeavor is designed for all students pursuing their professional Masters (MPH) at Ensign Global College, necessitating their engagement in a Practicum project.

The initiation of Practicum projects mandates the endorsement of the respective program head, ensuring alignment with the educational objectives. These projects are diligently executed under the expert guidance of a designated Preceptor situated within the host organization. A paramount facet of this endeavor is the obligation for students to furnish the host organization with an agreed-upon deliverable, mutually decided upon prior to project commencement.

Upon the culmination of the project, a pivotal requirement entails students delivering an articulate and a comprehensive written report, allowing students to effectively convey the depth and breadth of their experiential learning.

Elevating beyond the individual context, the Practicum project serves as a distinctive mechanism through which our faculty evaluates students’ preparedness to transition into the professional sphere of public health. This initiative signifies an essential phase in the assessment of students’ aptitude to graduate and subsequently apply their acquired proficiencies within the practical domain of public health practice.

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